thebravelabs thebravelabs It’s 2024. Patients want better customer service and communication from hospitals. - BraveLabs

It’s 2024. Patients want better customer service and communication from hospitals.

It's 2024. Patients want better customer service and communication from hospitals


The healthcare sector is always changing, and in 2024, we saw a lot of shifts in patient expectations, medical treatments, and technology. Because of the internet’s abundance of information, patients are now more empowered and knowledgeable to take charge of their health. As a result, people increasingly anticipate improved customer service and communication from healthcare organizations. To bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, this blog post will examine how the digital era has changed patient expectations, the difficulties hospitals have in satisfying these needs, and the creative solutions that are starting to emerge.

The Digital Patient: Informed and Empowered

Patients used to get all of their information about their health and medical issues from their doctors. But with the development of the internet, patients may now more easily get and understand medical information. In 2024, patients have greater knowledge and authority than in the past.

Nowadays, people may look up information about their symptoms, read up on different types of treatments, and even review doctors online. They may interact with people who have similar health issues, join online forums, and access reliable medical resources. Patients today actively participate in their healthcare decisions thanks to the abundance of information available to them, and as a result, they want hospitals to respect and value their knowledge.

Challenges Faced by Hospitals

Although patient empowerment is a trend that is good for healthcare, hospitals now face new and different kinds of issues as a result of this movement. Hospitals need to change their conventional healthcare methods to satisfy the needs of 2024’s informed and empowered patients. Hospitals encounter some significant issues, including:

1. Communication Gap:

When it comes to their healthcare professionals, patients want prompt, clear, and transparent communication. But a lot of hospitals continue to use antiquated, slow-moving means of communication like physical letters and phone conversations.

2. Information Overload:

Patients may experience confusion or overload due to the abundance of internet health information. Hospitals need to give patients appropriate advice and assistance in navigating this information landscape.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns:

It’s critical to protect patient data privacy and security as more healthcare exchanges take place online. Strong cybersecurity measures are necessary for hospitals to safeguard patient data.

4. Resource Constraints:

Hospitals frequently experience resource limitations, such as staffing shortages and financial restrictions, which can make it difficult to adopt new technology and communication techniques.

Innovations in Healthcare Communication

Hospitals are realizing the value of exceeding patient expectations for improved customer service and communication despite these obstacles. Various developments have surfaced to facilitate communication between healthcare practitioners and patients:

1. Telemedicine and Online Consultations:

The COVID-19 pandemic hastened the introduction of telehealth, which enables patients to consult with medical experts from a distance. Telehealth is still an essential tool in 2024, saving in-person visits and offering easy access to medical information.

2. Patient Portals:

A lot of hospitals already provide safe, web-based patient portals via which patients may get test results, view medical histories, and get in touch with their medical staff. Through these portals, patients may actively participate in their health management.

3. Mobile applications:

Hospitals are creating applications for patients’ smartphones that provide them with real-time information about appointments, medication refills, and health-related resources. These applications facilitate communication and improve patient participation.

4. AI-Powered Chatbots:

In the healthcare industry, AI-powered chatbots are becoming more and more prevalent. Their ability to promptly address patient inquiries, arrange consultations, and even provide basic medical guidance enhances the effectiveness of communication.

5. Personalized Health Plans:

By using data analytics, hospitals can provide patients with customized care plans. These plans provide a more patient-centric approach to care by taking into consideration a person’s lifestyle, preferences, and medical history.

The Role of Social Media

Social media networks have grown in importance as a tool for patient communication in 2024. Popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are being used by hospitals to engage with patients and give them informative content. Hospitals may build a feeling of community and trust among their patients by using social media to publish real-time information, patient testimonials, and the most recent medical advancements.

Hospitals must emphasize patient confidentiality and exercise caution while using social media, despite the advantages. In the current digital era, striking the correct balance between privacy and openness is crucial. To keep patients’ trust, hospitals must responsibly responsibly utilize social media.

Empathy in Healthcare

Apart from adopting technology, hospitals are also realizing how important empathy is to patient care. Acknowledging and comprehending a patient’s feelings, worries, and experiences is a necessary component of empathy. Hospitals plan to invest in training programs by 2024 to increase worker empathy.

Empathic healthcare providers are better able to handle patients’ worries and anxieties, establish trust, and communicate with them. Healthcare professionals who pay attention to their needs and view them as partners in their health journeys are highly valued by their patients.

Transparency and Trust

To build and preserve trust, openness is a critical component of the interaction between patients and healthcare professionals. Hospitals nowadays are more transparent about their operations, outcomes, and costs. Information on patient satisfaction scores, surgery success rates, and hospital infection rates is readily available to patients.

In addition, hospitals are making sure that patients can make educated decisions regarding their care by clearly outlining medical procedures and associated hazards. To deliver high-quality healthcare, patients and healthcare practitioners must develop trust via open and honest communication.

The Role of Feedback

Patient feedback is more available and powerful than ever in the digital era. On several internet sites, patients may rate and evaluate hospitals as well as specific healthcare professionals. Hospitals are utilizing this input to continuously improve their services and are taking it seriously.
Real-time feedback systems have been put in place by several hospitals so that patients can offer comments both during and after their stay. Hospitals can immediately address issues and implement the required modifications thanks to this rapid input.

Case Study: The Empathy Clinic – Transforming Healthcare with Service Excellence

The Challenge:

Clinical proficiency and bedside manners were regarded as the pillars of patient happiness in healthcare for many years. But new data from Press Ganey indicates a dramatic change. Patients now value “communication” (64%) and “customer service” (71%) even better than more conventional measures like bedside manners. Healthcare professionals now have a difficult task: adjusting to a service-centric approach without sacrificing clinical quality.

The Case:

The Empathy Clinic is a family practice facility that is seeing a decrease in patient satisfaction despite achieving good clinical outcomes. The main physician, Dr. Sharma, saw that the patient experience was changing and accepted “customer service” and “communication” as key components.

The Transformation:

1. Creating a Patient-Centric Culture: Under Dr. Sharma’s direction, healthcare shifted from being doctor-centric to being patient-centric and comprehensive. Employees received training in “patient-centric communication,” which prioritized asking probing questions, providing lucid explanations, and attending to patients’ concerns.

2. Utilising Technology: The Empathy Clinic set up an online patient portal that allowed for safe doctor-patient contact, medication refills, and appointment scheduling. This gave patients more control over everyday duties and lessened their frustration.

3. Humanizing the Experience: Dr. Sharma promoted sincere, sympathetic contact with patients, understanding the value of an emotional connection. Employees received training on how to acknowledge patients’ successes, provide emotional support, and be present.

4. Proactive Communication: Proactive communication procedures were put in place by the Empathy Clinic. Following procedures, patients were contacted for follow-up calls, appointment reminders, and timely information on test findings. This promoted trust and lessened worry.

The Results:

The Empathy Clinic saw a stunning change in less than a year: patient satisfaction ratings skyrocketed, surpassing industry standards.

• There was a notable decrease in appointment cancellations and no-shows and an increase in patient loyalty.

• Referrals surged, propelled by satisfied patient recommendations.

• Patient gratitude and a patient-centered atmosphere boosted staff morale.

• Staff morale improved, fueled by patient appreciation and a patient-centric environment.

Key Takeaways:

The success of the Empathy Clinic serves as an example of the value of accepting patients’ changing priorities. Patient satisfaction was exceeded even by clinical brilliance at the clinic since “customer service” and “communication” were ingrained in its basic principles.

Lessons Learned:

• Giving “customer service” and “communication” priority improves the patient experience overall rather than lowering healthcare quality.

• Putting money into technology and staff training gives patients and providers more control.

• Even in the highly technologically advanced healthcare industry, human connection and empathy are still essential.

• In the new paradigm of patient-centric healthcare, success requires constant monitoring and change.


The tale of the Empathy Clinic serves as a model for medical professionals everywhere. Healthcare can close the gap between patient expectations and reality by embracing clinical knowledge and service excellence, turning patient care into a patient-centered experience.


Hospitals will have to provide patients with greater customer service and communication by 2024, and hospitals are making every effort to fulfill these expectations. Hospitals are adjusting to the information-rich digital age by emphasizing openness and trust, utilizing technology, and improving empathetic treatment.

Hospitals that embrace innovation and place a high priority on patient-centered care will surely prosper in the changing healthcare environment, even though there may be obstacles in putting these changes into practice. The voice of the patient will remain the primary driver behind the change in healthcare going ahead, guaranteeing that it becomes more patient-centric, individualized, and accessible than in the past.

BraveLabs is the best hospital marketing agency in the US helping hospitals and healthcare providers navigate the digital world and forge deeper, more patient-centered partnerships while satisfying patient needs for improved communication and customer service.

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