Healthcare Email Marketing: 5 Strategies for Hospitals

Email marketing is one of the best tools that healthcare professionals have when it comes to promoting and marketing healthcare facilities. Here are 5 strategies to get your patient email marketing campaign started.


The healthcare industry is booming. In fact, the global sales of digital health services are expected to grow from $6 billion in 2018 to $21 billion by 2022, according to Statista. If you’re looking to make a long-term impact on your patients and prospects while generating revenue in the process, email marketing can be a great way to do this.

And with so much activity happening online right now around health care topics like personalized medicine and big data analytics, there’s never been a better time for hospitals and clinics across America to get started on an email marketing strategy that will help them achieve their goals—and yours! Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing and is one of the most effective marketing tools that any business can have.

Here are five email marketing tips for hospitals you should consider when starting your own effort:

Have a clear strategy
Have a clear goal
Know your audience and what they want
Know the call to action that will help them get there (and then make sure it’s easy for them to act on)
Keep things consistent, so patients know they can depend on you and will continue to do business with you

But if you’re looking for more strategic help, then we have compiled a list of five effective strategies that you can use for your healthcare business.

1. Target the segment you want to reach

Target the segment you want to reach in order to have the best results. The first step in any email marketing campaign is to define your target audience so that you can focus on messaging and goals appropriate for them.

This is key because it will help you avoid sending irrelevant emails or ones that won’t resonate with the people who should be reading them. In this digital world, personalized offers are what works best. Your healthcare business should take care to only focus its efforts on the audience that cares.

2. Send event invites

Events are a great way to engage your audience and get new patients. They can also be a great way to get referrals since people tell their friends about the event they attended. If you’re already running an email marketing campaign, consider sending out an event invite as part of your follow-up emails or newsletters.

It’s also worth considering how many people will receive this invitation: if it’s only relevant subscribers (like those who’ve recently signed up), then send it out only to those recipients; otherwise, send it out broadly for everyone on your list—and let them know how much fun they’ll have at the event!

Events are also an opportunity for you as a hospital operator: attendees should feel like valued customers by being given information on upcoming programs and events in which they can participate (such as workshops).

3. Run surveys and polls

Surveys and polls can help you get feedback from patients. They also give you insight into what your audience thinks about services, products, or other aspects of the hospital experience.

Surveys are a great way to find out what kind of information people want when it comes to healthcare providers. For example, some hospitals might offer free flu shots or checkups every month; others may offer only certain types of tests at certain times during the year (e.g., annual checkups).

By asking customers which types they’d prefer based on their needs and preferences, these hospitals can improve their ability to offer those services in an efficient manner while still providing quality care for all patients who need them!

4. Be sure your messaging is HIPAA compliant

Use a robust marketing automation platform and integrate with other systems, such as hospital scheduling software or patient portal software.

Create templates for emails that include key information about your hospital, such as its location and hours of operation, before sending them out to the right audience at the right time in order to drive traffic through your website or social media channels (see below).

5. Survey past patients

When you’re thinking about how to market your hospital, it’s important to understand that there are a lot of ways that you can do so. One of the easiest and most effective ways is email marketing. In fact, according to data from HubSpot, 52% of marketers said they use emails as their primary way of reaching out with content.

If you haven’t already done so, send out surveys! It’s a great way for patients who have been treated at your facility in the past year or so (or even those who haven’t) to share their thoughts on what they liked about coming here versus other places they’ve visited recently—and this information could help shape future campaigns down the road when planning out which types of messages will resonate best with each individual patient group.


We hope these tips will help you reach your target audience and build your brand. Remember that there are many ways to do email marketing—don’t limit yourself to just what we’ve listed here! What works best for your hospital? What else would you add? Let us know in the comments below

BraveLabs helps hospitals and healthcare practices in implementing successful patient email marketing campaigns. Contact us today to learn how email marketing can transform your healthcare facility.

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